TUE, NOVEMBER 14, 2023 • S1 E31 • 6 MIN 30 SEC

Real Life After 70 - Episode 18

 Living the Dream: Aging is not ‘Giving Up’!

Welcome to “Real Life After 70”  

A podcast related to thriving at any age. 

This is Real Life After 70 – Episode 18 

My name is Mike Reynolds. I’m your host for this and each episode. 

Living the Dream: Embracing Adventure! 

Our winter travels continue. Join me as we discuss our journey across the good old USA. We are now in Nevada at Lake Mead. 

As we go about our lives, we are facing many challenges. We are challenged to wake up and interact with others. It is up to us to create the life that works for us. Sometimes what we think is going to be a simple task becomes an extremely frustrating experience. I have been distracted by several projects that are important but take me away from creating regular podcast episodes. I hope to be much more consistent as we go forward. This is a continual battle for me. 

Turning 70 should be a celebration, but naturally, it comes with mixed feelings about getting older. Aging does come with difficulties, but it presents opportunities to grow, reflect, and seek fulfillment.  

Today I share with you some of my experience with living a somewhat nomadic life. It’s mostly
fun and rewarding, but sometimes it can be challenging. It has been over 2 months since we left Maine. We are currently at Las Vegas Bay Campground on the shore of Lake Mead. The actual lake water is a couple of miles away at this time, This used to be a boat launch just a few years ago. The launch is still here, but the water is not.

We will inevitably face some challenges along this journey of self-fulfillment. Today we’ll discuss some of those challenges and how to surmount such obstacles. We’re starting a short series focusing on the opportunities available to you as you enter your 70’s. The first one is to embrace Adventure.  

Just because we're turning 70 doesn't mean it's time to give up. If anything, we have the time and resources to embrace adventure! Whether it's a road trip across the country, flying to our dream destination, or just buying season tickets for our favorite team – 70 is the time to embrace adventure in a way we were never able to before. So, don't resist the fun, give in! 

Quote of the Day: “Aging is not ‘lost youth’ but a new stage of opportunity and strength.” – Betty Friedan  

Please share your thoughts on thriving while aging in the comments below or you may email me

Now join me for the next few minutes as we explore what “Real Life After 70” is really all about.  

Please remember this advice: Keep pursuing your dreams and learn something new each day. Also, make sure to reward yourself as you accomplish each step along the way. 

I hope you enjoy this episode. Click the link in my Bio for more… 

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 Here’s the YouTube link if you’d like to see the video version:    


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Real Life After 70


TUE, NOVEMBER 14, 2023


6 MIN 30 SEC


