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Mike Reynolds

Hi everyone! Welcome to Real Life After 70 Real Life After 70 is a podcast created to inspire senior citizens to embrace new beginnings. This podcast will feature interviews with seniors who have found new passions, started businesses, traveled the world, or embarked on exciting ventures after retiring. It will also include episodes on staying active, learning new skills, engaging with the community, and embracing creativity in later years. By sharing uplifting stories and practical advice, this podcast will inspire seniors to see retirement as a new chapter full of possibilities and opportunities for growth and fulfillment. We will make every effort to have each episode be informative, entertaining, and relevant to living our best life in our 70’s and beyond. Please like and share each episode to help others find our community. We'll tackle the misconceptions of aging, the joys of newfound freedoms, and ways to address the fears that can arise during this period of our lives. You'll learn how to find contentment, develop insight, and create strong bonds with the people that matter most. Check out our website: https://reallifeafter70.com/ I’m so excited to explore this journey with you. So, let's get started! Videos are available to view on Youtube https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLfXfsNu1YkUmXbh-STnmSmsT8LrdWpkWn